Feminist Approach

Additional Analyses of Two or More Short Stories with a Feminist Approach

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8-10 Pages

The third draft should include the following:

A revision of material from Draft #2: again this should include your response to my comments but also should reflect how you need to redevelop and reorganize in order to integrate this material with the new, additional summaries and analyses based on our subsequent study of Feminist approaches to critical thinking and interpretation.
A summary of Feminist theory. How does it differ from the other approaches to literature that we have studied? What are its primary assumptions? Reference Tyson and/or my handout “Introduction to Feminist Criticism” to clarify your understanding of Feminist theory.
A summary of a Feminist analysis of “Everyday Use” that you have gotten from Tyson and/or my handout and/or from your own reading. Explain how a specific Feminist approach interprets Walker’s story. How does such an interpretation compare with that of a Formalist and a Psychological approach?
Some analysis on your part of specific passages in Walker’s story that seem to offer evidence in support of or against a Feminist interpretation. Include your thoughts about such an interpretation, especially how such an approach might lead you to revise conclusions you drew in Draft #2 about some element of the story: What do you now conclude about a character? A theme or issue the story raises? What does the story reveal about its author? The attitudes, personal and political relationships, culture of his / her time? The impact or relevance of the story for you and other readers today?
Your own Feminist analysis of “The Storm” and/or “The Lady with the Pet Dog.” Based on your examination of detailed passages in the story and how a Feminist interpretation compares with a Psychological or a Formalist one, re-evaluate your conclusion from Draft #2 about the story’s meaning or significance. Again this should include comparisons with your revised conclusions about “Everyday Use.”
A summary of a critical article that offers an alternative interpretation of “The Storm” or “The Lady with the Pet Dog” from a Feminist, a Psychological, or some other theoretical approach.
A revised Introduction and Conclusion reflecting additional changes and reconsiderations of your main point.
Transitions that mark smooth scaffolding between revised and new material.

Again the organization and development of specific details are your calls. Write about all the theories first and then offer differing interpretations of each story. Or, move back and forth between summarizing one or another critical stance and explaining how the stories might be interpreted in each case. Or, use a narrative of your studies this term (based perhaps on the NOTEBOOK entries) to organize Draft #3. Just keep in mind that you should have come to some overall thesis about how different critical approaches have led to different (or similar) interpretations of the short stories you have been analyzing. This thesis should frame the essay from beginning to end and help tie the various parts together. DO NOT FORGET PARENTHETICAL PAGE NUMBERS. For information on Feminist Approach check on this:

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The post Feminist Approach appeared first on Australia Assessments.

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