Guided Response:Answer any follow-up questions your instructor may have for you after reading your post.

Guided Response:Answer any follow-up questions your instructor may have for you after reading your post. Read your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three of them. Ask questions that challenge

Guided Response:Answer any follow-up questions your instructor may have for you after reading your post. Read your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three of them. Ask questions that challenge their practices and beliefs while promoting their growth and development. Comment on how your classmates’ vision statements can help create a thoughtful, diverse community. If you came across a version of a vision statement that you think would aid your peers, share it with them.Response 1

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The first vision/diversity statement that I stumbled upon online is, “Higher education has the mission to advance human welfare in a rapidly changing world. Institutions that are truly inclusive and embrace and advance diversity everywhere – in every program, every school and every area of operation – will be the most successful. Stanford must become one of those institutions” (Diversity Statement, 2019).

This statement is similar to Phelp’s because both are calling for change, asking teachers to step up and be more than “just” a teacher. Our world needs more than a person in the classroom teaching. Children need someone that goes above and beyond that helps to incorporate appreciation and respect for diversity, the ability to adapt to constant changes and be flexible with their overall teaching process. In order for students to be successful learners, they need an instructor that can learn alongside their students and face challenges by dissuading exclusion and unfair treatment of others. When we learn about each other and our unique differences and similarities, we are empowered to change the world.

The second statement, “Over the next decade, the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement will establish itself as a resource for diversity expertise and help GW become internationally renowned for inclusive excellence. GW’s vision for excellence includes transforming itself and higher education by attracting, retaining and leveraging the talents of diverse individuals to facilitate first-rate teaching, learning, scholarship and service in a climate that is welcoming and inclusive” (Vision and Mission, n.d.).

This vision statement from George Washington University points out that they are planning to redesign themselves as a university that prides themselves on diversity. By taking on educators of all areas of a multicultural and multi-talented society to teach and bring out the best in all of their students by promoting an all-inclusive environment.

My vision statement is, “Understanding each student will help each student understand. Looking beyond the surface of a student will allow opportunities to bring forth their talents, skills and needs that cannot be understood until they are discovered.”


Phelps, P. H. (2008).Helping teachers become leaders.The Clearing House, 81(3), 119-122. doi:10.3200/TCHS.81.3.119-122

Diversity Statement. (2019, May). Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

Vision and Mission. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2020, from

Response 2

Phelps’s Stance on vision Statements:

According to Patricia Phelps, “Helping teachers become leaders requires not only a desire to meet the challenge but also a definite plan.” Not only is it essential that educators have a plan in place for achieving goals, but their vision statement must also be a part of that plan.

Internet Search #1:

“We will have a peaceful, productive and orderly learning environment that meets the academic, developmental, and social, needs of our students. Our goal is to prepare students for a successful high school experience without the need for remediation.(King Middle School)”

Internet Search #2:

“To inspire curiosity and confidence; And through creative learning opportunities we’ll cultivate talents, so our students and staff can realize their own unique potential.(Patchogue Medford)”

My vision Statement:

“Educators understand that no one child learns alike; education is not a one size fits all system. We must never underestimate the power in meeting a child where they are at mentally and providing them with the tools that they need in that moment to get to where they need to be.

References: to an external site.) statement.jpg(Links to an external site.)

Phelps, P. H. (2008). Helping teachers become leaders. The Clearing House, 81(3), 119-122. doi:10.3200/TCHS.81.3.119-122

Respond 3

Vision Statement 1


“Teach and Train the present generation of learners with today’s knowledge but instill the vision to see through tomorrow’s problems with a chronic mindset to become Lifelong Learners”-Dr. Sidhartha D. Ray.

Vision Statement 2

“My vision is that students will obtain the necessary skills to be successful in the physical, mental, and social aspects of their lives. Students will be able to effectively use the skills acquired to help identify and vehemently pursue any objectives in a practical manner. Not only will students succeed in learning how to plan for and balance the interesting opportunities that life will present for them, but they will also inspire others, by their example, to want to learn how to do the same.”

-Luis Molina Ojeda


Both statements do a great job of aligning with the vision of their schools but also showing that their role is powerful in the classroom and in the larger community meeting their aligning their vision to a greater responsibility. Vision Two does a great job of explaining what the lifelong learning process will look like and that is pursuing objectives but also balancing their interests and opportunities and, in that process, students will inspire others and help their peers. Vision one does a great job of clearly stating that they want to teach the current generation with the current tools that are available to them so that they can continue making a difference in tomorrow’s world. Both visions address the fact that all students will learn differently, and one size does not fit all. By stating that students will become lifelong learners and pursue objectives means that students will learn at a different pace but also decide to learn in different pathways that inspire them to continue their education.

My Vision Statement

Teach and Train the present generation of learners with present technology and knowledge but instill the vision and empowerment to see through tomorrow’s problems through by being lifelong learners with their learning styles.

Background to my vision statement:

Problem: Teachers fear new technology and student’s knowledge or use of it. We need to teach with current technology because it will continuously change. The dilemma of “one size fits all” is addressed with different technology and different learning styles with the skillset being developed for students to feel comfortable with change.


Molina- Ojeda, L. (n.d.). Teaching Vision, Mission, and Philosophy – Luis Molina Ojeda. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from to an external site.)

Phelps, P. H. (2008).Helping teachers become leaders.The Clearing House, 81(3), 119-122. doi:10.3200/TCHS.81.3.119-122

Ray, S. D. (n.d.). Dr. Sidhartha D. Ray. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from to an external site.)

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